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Holy Week 2022

“Look Up at the Stars” Easter Vigil 2022

One could look far and wide before finding a hymn as well suited for the Great Vigil of Easter as this John Thornburg (b. 1954) text, which, like the appointed vigil readings, rehearses the history of salvation from the Old Testament through the Resurrection of Our Lord in the Gospels. Here we encounter Abraham, Moses, and Ezekiel as a prelude to the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ. As for the clever accompanying tune, who but Jane Marshall (1924-2019) could...


“Out of the West Came Pilate” Hymn for Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday 2022

For those congregations that observe the Sunday of the Passion with the Procession of Palms at the beginning of the liturgy followed by the reading of the Passion for the Gospel, this brilliant text by James Hart Brumm (b. 1962) contrasts the job description of Pilate with the mission of Jesus in alternating stanzas and concludes with the question, “What convoy might we follow?,” the “strength and certainty” of Pilate or “the path of brave surrender . . . by...


“Like Isaac Bearing Wood” Hymn for Good Friday 2022

In this text based on a portion of the Passion of Our Lord According to Saint John, appointed every year in the RCL for Good Friday, John Core (1951-2017) adroitly compares the sacrifice of Isaac, stopped by angelic intervention in the book of Genesis, with that of Jesus on the cross in recounting the events of that fateful day. The familiar tune SOUTHWELL is recommended for this text. John core Core was born at Camp (now Fort) Rucker, Alabama, and earned a...


“When Jesus on that Bitter Night” Hymn for Maundy Thursday 2022

This text for Maundy Thursday is one of the hundreds of texts composed by Gracia Grindal (b. 1943) at the suggestion of Wayne Leupold to accompany every reading appointed in the three-year Revised Common Lectionary! While included in the collection for Year A, this hymn based on John1.1-30 is always appropriate for Maundy Thursday because the appointed Gospel is the same for all three years in the RCL. The thoughtful tune by Daniel Charles Damon (b. 1955) is made all...

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