One of the Largest Selections of Organ Music and Associated Materials Available in the World!

Composers and Authors

Mark A. Radice

Mark A. Radice completed his PhD in Historical Musicology at the Eastman School of Music (University of Rochester) in 1984. He taught at San Francisco State University from 1978 until joining the Ithaca College faculty in 1987. His research interests are broad, and he has published articles in leading journals, such as The American Organist, Choral Journal, Bach: Journal of the Riemenschneider-Bach Institute, Music Review, and Musical Quarterly. Other publications include Opera in Context: Essays on Historical Staging from the...


Anthony Giamanco

Anthony Giamanco, born in Detroit, Michigan, has been a professional church musician since the age of 17. Currently he serves as music director at St. Mary Catholic Parish in Pinckney, Michigan, where he oversees an adult choir, two children's choirs, a handchime ensemble, instrumental ensembles, and two contemporary ensembles. Anthony's many choral, organ, and piano works are featured in the catalogs of numerous publishers, including The Leupold Foundation's The Organist's Companion.   His website is 

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